Fractions - Fraction of an amount 2 - Worksheet

Year 3
Fractions - Fraction of an amount 2 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet titled "Fraction of an Amount (2)" is designed to deepen children's understanding of fractions as they apply to quantities. It explains that the denominator of a fraction indicates into how many equal parts the whole is divided. For example, 1/3 means the whole is split into three equal parts. The numerator, on the other hand, represents how many of these parts are being considered; hence, 2/3 would involve dividing the whole into three equal parts and then taking the quantity in two of those parts. Students are provided with bar models to visualise and solve the problems, continuing to answer questions in a consistent manner. The aim is to help children solve word problems and reasoning questions that involve non-unit fractions of an amount, enhancing their skills in practical applications of fractions.

Further exercises on the worksheet encourage fluency and precision in calculating fractions of an amount. Students are presented with scenarios involving marbles and are asked to find fractions of these totals by dividing the marbles into equal groups and then determining the quantity represented by the given fraction. Additionally, they use bar models and counters to find fractions of numbers such as 10, 9, and other larger quantities. The worksheet also includes activities where children fill in missing numbers to complete statements according to visual diagrams, and compare fractions of different amounts using greater than, less than, or equal to symbols. The exercises are designed to reinforce the concept of fractions in a variety of contexts and improve the students' ability to reason and solve problems involving fractions.

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